
日期 名称 备注
20220420 tensordot C ++ 看不太懂……要加强
20220420 Tensor.type
20220421 tensor pin memory
20220424 nn.utils.spectral_norm
20220505 Add nn_functor Check
20220506 Aligned tensor.add method
20220518 Add exception check for nn grad functor
20220520 Add SliceBoxingFunctor exception
20220520 Add Tensor Index exception
20220520 Add function_library.h Exception
20220520 Dev linalg inv
20220531 Add repeat interleave op
20220620 add op
20220628 ErrorMsgRefine
20220628 Modify add_n_op.cpp and add
20220629 add tensor dot api and delete useless api in
20220629 Modify /user/ops/arg_sort_op.cpp , supplement the error information
20220629 Refine error msg: core/autograd/gradient_funcs
20220629 arange api support input scalar type
20220630 Modify bias_add_op.cpp,delete unnecessary checks and improve the error message
20220630 Modify batch_gather_op.cpp and improve the error message
20220701 refine error msg: add NOLINT for defensive code in autograd
20220701 refine error msg for some autograd code
20220704 Modify some file and add test
20220704 fix diag 0size tensr shape infer bug
20220705 modify some file and improve the error message
20220706 Fix set_acc_grad and backward wrong value
20220706 Fill GetSbp bug and consistent test bug
20220706 add module releated container docs
20220707 modify some file and improve error message
20220707 refine error msg for some user ops
20220708 Add full_like api
20220708 Add randint like
20220712 Fix zeros like and ones_like api
20220719 fix gelu nn.Module bug and support tanh mode.
20220719 Fix bug of Tensor.type
20220722 impl of reflection_pad1d and replication_pad1d
20220725 Add RMSLayerNorm Module
20220726 fix randn default device
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